Unjail your validator

“Jail” is a Tendermint/Cosmos concept --- it is not specific to Quantum Portal. If your validator misses 50 or more of the last 100 blocks then your tendermint status becomes jailed. You can see your ‘jailed’ status via the Cosmos command QPd q staking validators.

Quantum Portal-core currently uses the word “jail” to describe a different Quantum Portal-specific status in the context of eligibility to participate in keygen/sign protocols. This terminology can be confusing and we intend to change it in future versions of QP-core. To see whether your validator’s has this Quantum Portal-specific jail status use QPd q snapshot validators.

The minimum duration for jail status is 10 minutes. After this period you can restore your validator to healthy status by posting a transaction to the Quantum Portal blockchain as follows.


In the QP-core container:

QPd tx slashing unjail --from validator


~/.QP_testnet/bin/QPd tx slashing unjail --from validator --home ~/.QP_testnet/.core --chain-id QP-testnet-lisbon-3
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