
Instructions to set up your Linea node.



sudo apt-get install jq -y

Install geth

Check the appropriate version for the network accordingly in their docs

# This is an example - check their docs and release page to opt for the right version
# verify correct version

# create a temp dir for binaries
cd $HOME
mkdir binaries && cd binaries

# if you are on linux amd
tar -xvf geth-linux-amd64-$GETH_RELEASE.tar.gz
cd geth-linux-amd64-$GETH_RELEASE
chmod +x geth
sudo mv geth /usr/bin/
# verify version
geth version
cd $HOME

Download genesis file

mkdir -p $HOME/.linea/config
cd $HOME/.linea/config
wget -O genesis.json
mkdir $HOME/.linea/config
cd $HOME/.linea/config
wget -O genesis.json

Initialize the node

cd $HOME
mkdir -p $HOME/.linea/data
geth --datadir $HOME/.linea/data init $HOME/.linea/config/genesis.json

It should give an output similar to this

INFO [07-16|15:48:00.683] Maximum peer count                       ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.685] Smartcard socket not found, disabling    err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.690] Set global gas cap                       cap=50,000,000
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.690] Initializing the KZG library             backend=gokzg
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.799] Defaulting to pebble as the backing database
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.799] Allocated cache and file handles         database=$HOME/.linea/data/geth/chaindata cache=16.00MiB handles=16
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.847] Opened ancient database                  database=$HOME/.linea/data/geth/chaindata/ancient/chain readonly=false
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.847] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.861] Persisted trie from memory database      nodes=356 size=50.85KiB time="761.943µs" gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=0 livesize=0.00B
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.867] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=chaindata                        hash=b6762a..0ffbc6
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.867] Defaulting to pebble as the backing database
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.867] Allocated cache and file handles         database=$HOME/.linea/data/geth/lightchaindata cache=16.00MiB handles=16
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.914] Opened ancient database                  database=$HOME/.linea/data/geth/lightchaindata/ancient/chain readonly=false
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.914] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.931] Persisted trie from memory database      nodes=356 size=50.85KiB time="747.265µs" gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=0 livesize=0.00B
INFO [07-16|15:48:00.936] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=lightchaindata                        hash=b6762a..0ffbc6

Setup systemd

Set the necessary variables


Create the systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/geth-linea.service


The following settings will allow your node to be accessed publicly from any machine, so update the IP address from to your vald machine.

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/geth-linea.service &>/dev/null <<EOF
Description=Geth node

ExecStart=/usr/bin/geth \
--datadir $HOME/.linea/data \
--networkid $NETWORK_ID \
--rpc.allow-unprotected-txs \
--txpool.accountqueue 50000 \
--txpool.globalqueue 50000 \
--txpool.globalslots 50000 \
--txpool.pricelimit 1000000 \
--txpool.pricebump 1 \
--txpool.nolocals \
--http --http.addr "" --http.port 8545 --http.corsdomain '*' --http.api 'web3,eth,txpool,net' --http.vhosts='*' \
--ws --ws.addr "" --ws.port 8546 '*' --ws.api 'eth,net,web3,txpool' \
--bootnodes $BOOTNODES \
--syncmode full \
--metrics --pprof --pprof.addr "" --pprof.port 9545 \
--verbosity 3


Start the service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable geth-linea
sudo systemctl restart geth-linea

Check logs

# change log settings to persistent if not already
sed -i 's/#Storage=auto/Storage=persistent/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
journalctl -u geth-linea.service -f -n 100 -o cat

Logs should appear like this

INFO [07-16|15:59:06.904] Imported new chain segment               number=730 hash=e63dd9..478f65 blocks=128 txs=150 mgas=132.120 elapsed=205.694ms mgasps=642.312 age=1d19h51m dirty=1.04MiB
INFO [07-16|15:59:07.113] Imported new chain segment               number=858 hash=f81d81..7bf36a blocks=128 txs=133 mgas=17.657  elapsed=183.688ms mgasps=96.126  age=1d16h40m dirty=1.17MiB
INFO [07-16|15:59:07.364] Imported new chain segment               number=986 hash=4a154d..315f98 blocks=128 txs=204 mgas=32.286  elapsed=202.001ms mgasps=159.830 age=1d12h53m dirty=1.23MiB
INFO [07-16|15:59:07.580] Imported new chain segment               number=1114 hash=92b77b..1c2b95 blocks=128 txs=178 mgas=45.001  elapsed=183.949ms mgasps=244.637 age=1d7h33m  dirty=1.24MiB

Verify RPC

The Linea RPC is

RPC=$(curl -4
curl -X POST $RPC -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}' | jq

If you get something like this in response of the above rpc call, your node is setup correctly

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "currentBlock": "0x10bcec",
    "healedBytecodeBytes": "0x0",
    "healedBytecodes": "0x0",
    "healedTrienodeBytes": "0x0",
    "healedTrienodes": "0x0",
    "healingBytecode": "0x0",
    "healingTrienodes": "0x0",
    "highestBlock": "0x1792276",
    "startingBlock": "0x1233f",
    "syncedAccountBytes": "0x422a06f3",
    "syncedAccounts": "0x5b14c0",
    "syncedBytecodeBytes": "0x26c0e4d8",
    "syncedBytecodes": "0x13cfd",
    "syncedStorage": "0x38195bc",
    "syncedStorageBytes": "0x2ef128d1b"

Wait for "result" to become false before using it in vald config

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": false }

Configure vald

In order for vald to connect to your Linea node, your rpc_addr should be exposed in vald’s config.toml

[[QP_bridge_evm]] name = "linea" rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true
[[QP_bridge_evm]] name = "linea" rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true
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