Configure companion processes

Quantum Portal validators need two companion processes called vald and tofnd.

Download binaries and initialize configuration

Similar to Node configuration, run to download and configure vald and tofnd binaries. In the axelerate-community repo do:

./scripts/ -n [mainnet|testnet]

The binary tofnd is placed in your ${QPD_HOME}/bin directory. The binary vald is actually part of QPd.

Verifying Binaries

By default, the binary signatures are downloaded and the binary is verified using the QPdev PGP key. To verify the binary manually, you can download the PGP signature and verify using the following commands:

curl | gpg --import
gpg --verify [QPd_binary_signature_path] [QPd_binary_path]

On github the signatures are attached to the releases. To download the signatures from the QP-releases AWS Bucket, you can add .asc to the end of the binary URL. For example, if the path of the binary is:

The path for the signature will be:

Directory structure of a running validator

Later, after you’ve launched your companion processes and created your validator, your directory structure should look like:

├── bin
│   ├── QPd -> /Users/gus/.QP/bin/QPd-vx.y.z
│   ├── QPd-vx.y.z
│   ├── tofnd -> /Users/gus/.QP/bin/tofnd-va.b.c
│   └── tofnd-va.b.c
├── config
│   ├── app.toml
│   ├── config.toml
│   ├── genesis.json
│   ├── node_key.json
│   ├── priv_validator_key.json
│   ├── priv_validator_state.json
│   └── seeds.toml
├── data
├── logs
├── tofnd
└── vald
    └── state.json

Relevant files:

  • priv_validator_key.json, node_key.json : Created when you first launched your node as described in Basic node management.
  • priv_validator_state.json : Last block height signed by the validator. This prevents double signing old blocks. If it’s content is {}, it’ll start signing from a synced node’s latest block
  • vald/state.json : State file specifying the last block processed. If it’s not present, or is too old, vald starts from the latest block instead.
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