
Instructions to set up your Optimism node.


Note: Mainnet instructions here will only work after the bedrock upgrade is live on mainnet



sudo apt-get install jq -y
snap install docker

Clone Repo

git clone https://github.com/smartcontracts/simple-optimism-node.git
cd simple-optimism-node
cp .env.example .env

Set node config

Set the following config options in simple-optimism-node/.env:

   # Your Ethereum RPC node endpoint. As an L2, your Optimism node will verify tx finality by
   # querying your own Ethereum RPC node.
   # Specify the beacon endpoint of Layer 1
   # HEALTHCHECK__REFERENCE_RPC_PROVIDER - Specify the public RPC endpoint for Layer 2 network you want to operate on for healthchecking. For instance:
   # Optimism Mainnet - https://mainnet.optimism.io
   # Optimism Sepolia - https://sepolia.optimism.io

   # Your Ethereum RPC node endpoint. As an L2, your Optimism node will verify tx finality by
   # querying your own Ethereum RPC node.
   # Specify the beacon endpoint of Layer 1
   # HEALTHCHECK__REFERENCE_RPC_PROVIDER - Specify the public RPC endpoint for Layer 2 network you want to operate on for healthchecking. For instance:
   # Optimism Mainnet - https://mainnet.optimism.io
   # Optimism Sepolia - https://sepolia.optimism.io

Start the node

docker compose up -d --build

This should show an output like this:

   ⠿ b08a0a826235 Pull complete                                                                                                                             90.5s
   ⠦ d71d159599c3 Downloading [>                                                  ]  6.232kB/487.2kB                                                        91.6s
   ⠦ 5cfc4241bcf3 Waiting                                                                                                                                   91.6s
   ⠦ 323993d60cf3 Waiting                                                                                                                                   91.6s
   ⠦ 5149b9087ec2 Waiting                                                                                                                                   91.6s                                                                                                                             91.6s
   ⠦ 209878a685e3 Waiting                                                                                                                                   91.6s
 ⠼ fault-detector Pulling                                                                                                                                   97.4s

After it is done, verify by listing the services and their status

docker compose ps

You should see these 4 services running

NAME                              COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
simple-optimism-node-influxdb-1   "/entrypoint.sh infl…"   influxdb            running   >8086/tcp, :::8086->8086/tcp
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1    "/bin/sh -c '/script…"   op-geth             running   >8545-8546/tcp, :::9991-9992->8545-8546/tcp
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1    "/bin/sh -c '/script…"   op-node             running
simple-optimism-node-torrent-1    "/init"                  torrent             running   >6881/tcp,>6881/udp, :::6881->6881/tcp, :::6881->6881/udp

Check logs

Verify op-geth logs

docker compose logs op-geth -f

It will download the bedrock.tar

simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | Still downloading bedrock.tar...
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | + CHECKSUM=df843fd53ea905808bc21d0e2dd4620a
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | + '[' df843fd53ea905808bc21d0e2dd4620a '==' 4a6919d95d719668a493554771f55e9f ]
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | + return 1
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | + return 1
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | + echo 'Still downloading bedrock.tar...'
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | + sleep 5s

Once download the server will start, and you will see logs like

simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | INFO [01-22|07:28:21.089] Imported new potential chain segment     number=4,066,054 hash=fe6131..8bfd42 blocks=1         txs=1         mgas=0.000 elapsed="723.105µs" mgasps=0.000   age=1w2d9h  dirty=832.58KiB
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | INFO [01-22|07:28:21.090] Chain head was updated                   number=4,066,054 hash=fe6131..8bfd42 root=74b0c0..f0c70a elapsed="83.46µs"   age=1w2d9h
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | INFO [01-22|07:28:21.094] Imported new potential chain segment     number=4,066,055 hash=8d8383..53fdcb blocks=1         txs=1         mgas=0.000 elapsed="889.945µs" mgasps=0.000   age=1w2d9h  dirty=832.58KiB
simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1  | INFO [01-22|07:28:21.095] Chain head was updated                   number=4,066,055 hash=8d8383..53fdcb root=0929e1..088f55 elapsed="96.886µ

Verify op-node logs

docker compose logs op-node -f

You should see logs like

simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.454] Sync progress                            reason="processed safe block derived from L1" l2_finalized=0f7835..05175f:4061224 l2_safe=642c13..1c1e60:4068133 l2_unsafe=642c13..1c1e60:4068133 l2_time=1,673,564,334 l1_derived=f04e19..57a277:8301109
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.456] generated attributes in payload queue    txs=1  timestamp=1,673,564,336
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.461] inserted block                           hash=50fbcd..051d3f number=4,068,134 state_root=9c515d..28b2da timestamp=1,673,564,336 parent=642c13..1c1e60 prev_randao=1a282e..c4fcb4 fee_recipient=0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000011 txs=1  update_safe=true
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.461] Sync progress                            reason="processed safe block derived from L1" l2_finalized=0f7835..05175f:4061224 l2_safe=50fbcd..051d3f:4068134 l2_unsafe=50fbcd..051d3f:4068134 l2_time=1,673,564,336 l1_derived=f04e19..57a277:8301109
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.462] generated attributes in payload queue    txs=1  timestamp=1,673,564,338
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.466] inserted block                           hash=3cca62..2a6f53 number=4,068,135 state_root=f4245e..d3f772 timestamp=1,673,564,338 parent=50fbcd..051d3f prev_randao=1a282e..c4fcb4 fee_recipient=0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000011 txs=1  update_safe=true
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:13.466] Sync progress                            reason="processed safe block derived from L1" l2_finalized=0f7835..05175f:4061224 l2_safe=3cca62..2a6f53:4068135 l2_unsafe=3cca62..2a6f53:4068135 l2_time=1,673,564,338 l1_derived=f04e19..57a277:8301109
simple-optimism-node-op-node-1  | INFO [01-22|07:50:14.332] Received signed execution payload from p2p id=15c90f..5c92ac:4472873 peer=16Uiu2HAm4hA3Jd2hPnstG3yBUvLULV9dVZgtxmD23iH3wP2ZfYHN

Verify node sync status

RPC Endpoint

echo "$(curl -4 ifconfig.co):9991"

Method 1:

curl -X POST [rpc] -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' | jq

If you get something like this in response to the above rpc call, your node is setup correctly

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x3df827"

You can use a hex to number convertor to get the block height

Method 2:

You can also check your status by connecting to geth console

docker exec -it simple-optimism-node-op-geth-1 geth attach http://localhost:8545
> eth.blockNumber
20000000 # it will show you the latest block - number here is just an example

You can compare the block height on your node with explorer (mainnet or testnet), use your RPC node only when it has caught up with the latest block height.

Configure vald

In order for vald to connect to your Optimism node, your rpc_addr should be exposed in vald’s config.toml

name = "optimism"
rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true
name = "optimism"
rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true

Common Node Operations

First cd into the directory

cd $HOME/simple-optimism-node/

To start

docker compose up -d

To stop

docker compose down

To update

docker compose pull

To stop and wipe out everything

docker compose down -v
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