⚒️Foundry Assets

Assets that have single asset liquidity added to the bridgePool are categorized as Foundry Assets. This liquidity can be added by Ferrum or the Token Administrators of listed tokens.

A major benefit of Foundry Assets is that swaps involving Foundry Assets typically skip interaction with an aggregator (1inch) or DEX (UniSwap). Instead, FIBER will prepare a path for Foundry assets to interact directly with the bridgePool. Saving liquidity provider fees for the part of the cross-chain swap that involves the Foundry Asset.

It's important to note that Foundry Assets are the only assets that are bridgeable across chains as their liquidity is managed by the bridgePool. All other assets must be converted to Foundry Assets to facilitate bridging across chains. This is further described in the MCSF and Bridging & Settlement Sections.

Last updated